E-Business. IT-Experten.

Schwerpunkte meiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in den Jahren 2005 bis 2012 bildeten Themen der Internetökonomie. Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation habe ich die Kompetenz von IT-Experten in diesem Umfeld erforscht.


Kollmann, Tobias/Häsel, Matthias (2009): Competence of Information Technology Professionals in Internet-Based Ventures. In: Cater-Steel, A. (Ed.), Information Technology Governance and Service Management: Frameworks and Adaptations, pp. 239-253, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

From the editor's preface

This chapter by Kollmann and Häsel focuses on young Internet-based firms and articulates the knowledge and skills required by IT professionals. Building on the general IT governance principle of aligning business and IT, it introduces an adequate competence model, outlines its dimensions, and suggests a framework for modeling the effects of factors internal and external to the firm on the value propositions of the different dimensions. The authors hope that a comprehensive understanding of the role of IT-related competence will assist founders not only in finding suitable partners, but also in aligning e-business strategy and information technology in Internet-based ventures.


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