Häsel, Matthias (2010): OpenSocial: Structured partnerships in the context of social networking platforms. In: Kollmann, T./Kuckertz, A./Stöckmann, C. (Eds.), E-Entrepreneurship and ICT Ventures: Strategy, Organization and Technology, pp. 285-295, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Building on the OpenSocial API suite, developers can create applications that are interoperable within the context of different social networks. Because social applications have access to a network's social graph, messaging systems and update feeds, the OpenSocial standard enables Internet-based businesses to create new kinds of value-creating partnerships without extending themselves beyond their own means or competencies. This chapter argues that by entering structured partnerships, e-ventures and social networks can gain sustainable competitive advantage by integrating their highly complementary resources and capabilities. Building on the Resource-based View (RBV) of the firm and the concept of core competencies, it is shown that both partners can significantly benefit from the technology-induced possibilities that arise from the OpenSocial standard.
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Weitere Veröffentlichungen im Themenbereich
Häsel, Matthias/Rieke, Karsten (2009): OpenSocial. In: Informatik Spektrum 32(3), S. 250-254.
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